Things I like

Things I like

I like catching raindrops on my tongue.
I like dancing just for fun.
I like playing netball.
I like being tall.
I eat sushi because it’s yum.
Mcdonalds fills my tum.
I like swimming in the sea.
I love watching small bumble bees.
I like the bin and the fish fin.


Poem- The beach

The sand always hurts my feet.

Sometimes I’m able to see a fleet.

When I’m in the ocean I like to float.

Maybe next time I’ll see a pretty boat.

I love going to the beach.

The wonderful things I see.

Ice skating at school

In my honest opinion it was terrible, I was so scared because I didn’t feel safe at all. I was pressured on staying on the rink even though I hated it very much. I left the rink after going around it once. I prefer to watch pros on YouTube doing it, I’m still glad I actually tried it. I could see my friends enjoying it which is good for them but ice skating is not my thing.

Why was I scared? I was scared that I would fall over and my skates were gonna cut me.

Do you like ice skating?





Castles game explanation

How to play the game Castles. Castle is a simple game we play during Hakinakina or taha Tinana. We first found out about this game when a lady named ‘Jen’ from Sports Whanganui showed up to our school to teach us this new game, Castles. I think we learnt it about four weeks ago? But I could be wrong.
We’ve been playing this game for quite a bit and the rules are pretty simple. If you’re familiar with the game ‘Capture the flag’ then this game is easy to explain, since the game is quite similar. First of all you will have two teams facing each other and each side will have a goal or a “Castle.” The goal of the game is to get the opposing teams ball on your side, sort of like capture the flag except you have to pass the ball three times before scoring, though you must be outside of the castle to pass the ball but this rule was actually added when we first learnt the game since it wasn’t fair to everyone else that there was only one person scoring and the others weren’t being included.
The whole purpose of this learning is to include one another and help each other to improve our sport-skills “But how do we do that?” Well for starters you could always pass the ball to someone that’s not your friend or someone who doesn’t get the ball a lot and also always make sure to uplift your other teammates, don’t say “oh you butterfingers!” or “Why didn’t you catch the ball?!” have good sportsmanship and say things like “Don’t worry you’ll get it next time!” or “That was a great try though!”
Personally I didn’t like the game Castles at first but once I actually started participating it was fun! And I actually enjoyed playing the game. Did I meet the learning intentions? Well I think I did because I did include others, at least I think I did. I also had very good sportsmanship.